#WineStudio: Nexgen in “Commuter” Wine Education

Every Monday evening, since its inception this past January, GUY and I have been “seen” online hosting our notorious Twitter program #WineStudio.  As with most online entities, GUY names the entire phenomenon “nebulous” at best. It’s part wine education, discussion, and peer conversation wrapped up into a one hour program each Monday evening, 6pm pst / 9pm pst all within the context of our motto: true wine culture. Back to the Beginning I met a guy online just before a wine bloggers conference that was held in Portland last August.  … Read more →

All Roads Lead to Stefano.

He and I have never met.  In fact, our schedules couldn’t support it and our only correspondence has been email, on the road, managed through our smart phones.  Sometimes however, the most simple of communiqué is all that’s needed. My business partner, Eric GUY and I run the Monday evening Twitter program #WineStudio. Along with Social Media personality Bill Eyer, the curriculum program runs 5 weeks continuously where we focus on a particular wine region, sometimes the same winemaker, usually off the beaten path, sometimes with quite the controversial wine … Read more →