the Rohneman cometh…

Relationships are funny—you never know how they’ll turn out.  But there is always the certainty that if you stick around long enough even cooler things happen. I was hired by Michael Rohner back in 2007 at a San Diego wine shop landmark, The WineSellar & Brasserie. He was the irreverent general manager, strumming his guitar, giggling, all with that exacting brilliant and encyclopedic mind. He drove me insane. We’d argue religion, ethics and drugs.  Our relationship was like wedgie meets indian burn. We are thrilled beyond the telling to invite … Read more →

studio – Quite a Messy Affair

As poets are want to tell you, the art of written and verbal communication relies on the artful layout of words.  When we began our hunt for the best words to convey what it is we do at PROTOCOL, we were at somewhat of a loss.  With our business model relying heavily on innovation rather than on the “traditional” retail establishment, we thought we may have a problem conveying our true purpose.  We assembled a list of words, crossed out most, then began all over again to no avail. Then … Read more →